Sunday, January 25, 2009

Deal With Rejection

Not all attempts to get a date would result with a success. More often than not, you would be rejected a couple of times before getting a date of your dreams. Here are ways to face rejections
head on.
Do not take rejection personally – Just because you are rejected doesn't mean there is something wrong with you. Do not torture yourself with thinking about it too much. Respect the refusal and move on. Go out and be the strongest that you can be.
Deal with it civilly – If you asked a friend out on a date and you got rejected, perhaps it's because you are seen as a great friend but not as a potential mate. Just take this with a grain of salt and keep the friendship. This also applies to workmates and other people whom you meet on a regular basis, as you deal with them in a civil and mature manner even if you got rejected for a date.
Change yourself for the better – If you realize that you have a flaw in your personality or on how you interact with people of opposite sex, try to find ways to change that for the better without sacrificing your true self.
Go out and look for other dates – There is someone out there who is bound to say “yes” to you. All you have to do is to know where to look and know how to interact (or flirt) with them.


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