Sunday, January 25, 2009

Speed Dating Procedures

Like in any other game, speed dating has its own rules that you should follow. To begin with, the event is usually advertised and singles that want to participate gather at a café or bar. Each
player is given a nametag (either containing your real name or a screen name) and a scorecard.

Each date is timed – A timer that allows you to spend a fixed amount of minutes (ranging from four to eight) with each companion rules the game. When your minutes are over, a bell is rung, signifying that all players should shift to the next seat to meet the next person.
Discussion is fairly open – Usually you are allowed to discuss anything with the potential partner except your real name (if applicable), your job, and where you work.
Mark each date on the scorecard – Following each introduction, participants mark on their scorecard whether or not they would be interested in having a real date with the other person. Make sure you don't let your date see you scores.

After the game – Once the speed dating ends, the organizers check the scorecards and match up which partners have mutual interest in each other. In some versions of speed dating, only the women are given the phone number; while in others, both the woman and the man are given the number to follow up on for a date.


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