Sunday, January 25, 2009

What To Talk On First Date

When you meet a potential partner for the first time, we sometimes get nervous on what to say, afraid that we might say something wrong. Here are some dos and don'ts when it comes to
dating conversations.
Ask about your date – What does he or she do for a living? Which state or city was he or she from? What are his or her interests and hobbies?
Ask about your date's family and friends – Is your date come from a tight-knit family? What does his or her friends do when they go out?
Talk about yourself – What your date has revealed about him or her, tell to your date about your side as well. That keeps you from revealing too much about yourself, but you could tell more about it on your next date.
Compliment your date – If he or she is well-dressed and well-groomed, compliment about it as soon as you meet your date. Drop compliments (don't invent them though) every now and then during the conversation. However, stop complimenting once your date feels uneasy about it (but that rarely happens). Discuss about movies, TV, and music – Ask your date if he or she likes to watch movies (or TV, music) and know his or her favorites. Make a connection on your common favorites. If there aren't any common favorites, just say what you like.
Open-ended questions – Stimulate the conversation by asking questions that do not end up with a “yes” or “no” for an answer. For instance, if your date revealed that he or she is into tech gadgets, ask what would be his or her dream gadget to own.
Do not discuss past relationships – The purpose of a date is to search for potential partners and not to weep about your each other's exes. If your date asks about your past relationships, just tell him or her of how long your most long-term relationship lasted.
Do not talk about religion and politics – People will always have different opinions about these topics, and most of the time they would not agree. Arguing about your date's stand on topics like abortion or gay marriage is definitely not recommended.
Topics that do not interest the other person – If you have an interest that your date finds unusual or boring, stop talking about it. For instance, if your date feels uninterested about your passion in Rubik's Cube, then look for other topics that both of you feel favorable with.
Do not ever say anything that would offend your date or anyone else –Being mean and inconsiderate does not make a good impression.
Do not monopolize the conversation – Remember that conversations are supposed to be two-way, so don't forget to let your date talk and listen to what he or she would say.
Do not cross-examine your date – Asking too much about your date's particular detail would make him or her uncomfortable as you are stepping into the bounds of privacy. For instance, do not ask too much about your date's virginity after he or she revealed that your date hasn't had any sexual encounters.


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